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Switzerland, the most important places + cities + hotels + markets.

the most important places + cities + hotels + markets

Its beautiful mountains and picturesque this town rich from the definition
Which is one of the countries most Tours
Has developed a full report to you .. it took a long period to be prepared
So easy for you .. and be a reference to the benefit of everyone
This guide covers

General information about Switzerland Population Capital Language
The most important places + cities + hotels restaurants markets
As well as procedures for visa + Important Information for the traveler for the first time
Vbasm God we begin

Switzerland is a country located in the center of Western Europe and has no outlets freely,
It is bordered by the following countries: Germany, France, Italy, Austria and Liechtenstein.
The official name of the country
Swiss Confederation and is written in Latin: 'Confoederatio Helvetica' or short CH.
Federal capital
Bern is and where there is the parliament and the government and administration Alfdralah.osknha about 134,400 people
41 285 square kilometers,
The largest Swiss cities
Zurich, and is inhabited by about 343 100 people, and Basel 172,800 people,
Geneva 167 700 people, Bern, Lausanne and 123 100 people
The most important Maemezha
Switzerland is famous for its beautiful mountain scenery. The average height of the Alps
Switzerland is in the 1700 meters, and there are one hundred mountain rising more than 4,000 meters a
And more and there are 1800 glaciers (Jlasier).
There are four official languages ​​in Switzerland are: German, French,
Italian and Romanch. Three out of four Swiss nationals living
In the German-speaker. 26 statelet in Switzerland (Canton) and 17 of these cantons
Speaking in German.
French is the language spoken by the inhabitants of the western part of Switzerland,
Who knows and Switzerland Romande. There are four French-speaking cantons,
And are Geneva, Fu, Neuchatel and Jura. Three cantons are considered Mzdzjh language, and is Bern,
Fribourg and Valais. Italian spoken by the residents of the Canton of Ticino in addition to the four residents and Diane
Graopondn in the area. And Canton Graopondn is trilingual. Where the population there speak
German, Italian and Romanch. Balromanczyh speakers are smaller linguistic groups in Switzerland,
Which does not exceed the proportion of one per cent of the population of Switzerland.


Switzerland enjoys economy of sophisticated and extensive trade relations with many countries of the world
Despite the lack of raw materials and the lack of freedom of its outlets. Economic well-being of Switzerland
Reflected, for example, the results of the gross national income in 1999, which was estimated at 335.17 billion
Swiss francs, and the result is higher than any other European country. The most important sectors
Is the industrial engineering sector and the electronics and chemical industries, medical
Industry, as well as precision instruments, watches, textiles and foodstuffs. Omaabannok banks
And insurance companies and tourism, they are the dominant industries in the services sector

 Lake Forest four
Shiller composite works steam on a trip to Lake Forest four.

Switzerland places cities Hotels + markets
Geneva City logo water, water fountain with a height of 140 meters raise 500 liters of water per second.
Moments of the sunset on the shores of Lake Geneva area Lavoe near Chksbreh.
Geneva City Lights celebrations reflected on the waters of lakes in the Festival of Christmas trees.

Switzerland places cities Hotels + markets
Rhine River
Monument Helvetsia - Alasmm Latin for Switzerland - how work Almthalh Bettina Oikhn overlooking the Rhine River from the center of the Rhine Bridge

Important information for those coming to Switzerland
Here a list of frequently asked questions by tourists who wish to visit Switzerland.

What are the best periods of the year to visit Switzerland?
Switzerland provides you with year-round regardless of the seasons, a variety of tourist activities. Summer continues here from the month of June to September, almost. You can enjoy during this period nice weather allows you to exercise various activities in the outdoors. If you intend to visit Switzerland in the spring) April / April and May / May (or autumn) September / September to October / October (likely to find a small number of tourists and benefit therefore of special offers and exciting in hotels and tourist resorts. sites for winter sports opens in late November and closed its doors when the snow begins to melt by spring. on the other hand, can ski lovers throughout the year in order to snowy mountains in various parts of Switzerland in order to practice their hobby in the slopes.

What are the best means of transport to get to Switzerland?
It depends on the point Antlaqk towards Switzerland. On the whole, it can easily reach to the Confederacy if installed plane, train or bus.
Coming on board:
In Switzerland there are three international airports: Zaorieg- Kloten, Geneva-Cointrin and Basel-Mulhouse. Resides in Switzerland as well as a number of regional airports including Bern- Belp and Groenchen and Ogano- Agnew and Samdan- St. Moritz and Sion. And landing at these airports regional aircraft leased (Charter) or the Regional Air aircraft companies. Swissair Swissair and Crossair Tqoman trips connects more than 100 cities and 70 countries, Switzerland. It is noteworthy that the airports of Zurich-Kloten, Geneva-Cointrin train station are equipped inside them.

Coming on the train:

Eurostar trains and ICE and TGV link between the day a large number of European countries and Switzerland.

Come on the bus ::
The main roads and highways leading to Switzerland remain open 24 hours on 24 hours. But there are some small border crossings and roads is the main closed during the night. If you want to avoid a long trip on the bus, you can load your car from Germany) Berlin or Hamburg or Hanover (or Austria), Vienna or Linz or Graz or Valash (on the train carriages designed to transport cars Motorail and received at the train stations on the border with Switzerland in Orakh Germany Velderh or Austria. 


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