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Damascus, the capital of the oldest in history

The Omayyad Mosque in Damascus

Umayyad Mosque or the Umayyad Mosque or the Great Mosque of Bani Umayya Mosque in Damascus, Syria, from the masterpieces of Islamic architecture, is located in the heart of the old city. It has a long history in all epochs and civilizations.

History from the Umayyad Mosque
Date of the Umayyad Mosque in Syria dates back to 1200 years BC, where this place was a temple of the god "select Alorani", fertility and thunder and rain god, and when the Romans came to Damascus set up the temple of the god Jupiter, and still views lingering from the harem market area and even Qaimariya area . When Rome entered in Christianity was held in the northwestern region of the place of the temple John the Baptist Church, and what Muslims income to Damascus, was sharing the church site into two sections: the eastern section has become for Muslims and the western section of the Christians. And when he took the Umayyad Caliph Walid bin Abdul Malik in 86 AH (corresponding to 705 Lm) succession wanted to build a mosque has no parallel in the east, and bless Christians to sell the return half of them in exchange for Hanania Church and other rights, and began Alwaleed construction benefiting from what is, and about located to the Islamic form, and Ksah and decorated with mosaics and miniatures and engravings and the best decorated by mosques in the history of Islam.

In the Umayyad Mosque first minaret in Islam called the minaret of the bride and has today three minarets and four doors and the Dome of the large dome eagle and three domes in his plate and four niches and scenery Osman scene Abu Bakr and scenery Hussein and scene tab panels huge mural of mosaic halls and Museum, inside the Prophet shrine Yahya peace be upon him and next to him lying hero Saladin and near it a lot of shrines and tombs of men and celebrities Islam, it has prayed the most famous celebrities in the history of Islam and the conquerors and a large number of companions and sultans and caliphs and kings and governors and the largest Muslim Scholars, which is the first mosque enter a popes of Rome when he visited the city of Damascus. That was in 2001 when he visited Pope John Paul II and the mosque in the history of all ages before Islam in the Islamic era.

Construction of the mosque

The market in the Old Testament, and then turned in the Roman era to the temple was established in the first century AD. Then turned with time into a church.

Temple of Jupiter - Damascus

Following the control of the Romans to Damascus, the city was one of the most important cities and an important center of civilization, turning the temple to the Temple of Jupiter, Damascus name. It is likely that changes after this transformation were not many. Although the literature that indicates that is widely developed in the era of the Seleucids and the Romans. What remains of this temple still exists so far to the west of the Umayyad Mosque where the remains of columns appear Romania (Corinthian) and Introduction main arch in the temple. The reign of the Roman Emperor Taodoux first 379 m - 395 m turning to the temple on behalf of the Church of St. John the Baptist Church located his tomb inside the mosque also known by name Prophet Yahya


Sid has been established for himself the green palace adjacent to the mosque wall archaeological, Sid was established in the mosque as well as its own compartment, the first compartment in the history of Islam.

The place Following the violent earthquake came to the temple of Jupiter and stayed Naos structure which is located in the middle of the courtyard and large surrounded by a wall high pierced four doors of the four quarters, and was surrounded by fence last christened columns have used the Christians of Damascus residents of this temple, a church, and they walk in the same door that It introduces him to become Muslims to their mosque in the east.

To build the Great Umayyad Mosque

The m Alomwen building Umayyad Mosque and make it inclusive, befitting the capital of their state of Damascus, and they have expanded Bahath and beautifying carvings, mosaics and decorations, marble and decorated plush and beautiful lanterns at all and other valuables, was a mosque and a center of the Islamic state in the extreme breadth of her sentences to build the mosque included in the flanks of many of the treasures of history in the heart of old Damascus.

Began construction of the Great Umayyad Mosque in Damascus after he agreed with the owners of the church - to build a huge mosque befitting the greatness of the Islamic state, where the mosque was formerly Aramean temple and then became a church, and depends on the planning for the first mosques in Islam, and it was this scheme is based on the division of the mosque to the house of prayer and to the courtyard, Walid bin Abdul Malik has retained the bottom of the wall using the archaeological and restored the external walls and doors, and established the campus of the mosque with a dome roofed Dome of the Eagle {} archways and columns and rows of Interior.

Created corridors surround the courtyard of the Great Mosque and stayed in the pillars of the mosque four huge silo, but the earthquake later came the two minarets northern of the mosque, was replaced by the beacon in the middle of the north wall, and became the mosque three beacons two on both sides of the south wall, and one in the middle of the north wall and called the minaret of the bride, a the oldest minaret in Islam.

Of the whole area of ​​the mosque 157 × 97 m and an area of ​​the campus 136 × 37 m The Dish area are 22.5 × 60 m and mediates the city of Damascus and a mosque four doors, door mail from the west door of the east and Jaron door Kallaseh from the north. And the door of the increase from the south and opens from inside the campus. The saucer, he is surrounded by three of its aspects porticoes and columns towering height of 15.35 m, and the South is opening up the doors of the sanctuary which has become a closed wooden doors topped with colored glass moonlet with the writings of wonderful decorations.

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